In addition, Cabela's Gun Library will display special firearms, on loan from the National Firearms Museum, used in classic TV shows and feature films. Special guests attending the Grand Opening will include hunting and fishing authorities, expert dog trainers, authors and wildlife artists. Van Howd’s studio, Sierra Sculpture, Inc., is in Auburn, Calif. Since 1988, he has been commissioned to place monumental sculptures worldwide in museums, resorts, corporate grounds, city sites and private estates. Van Howd is known worldwide for his wildlife and western art creations, which capture life-like detailed styles that enhance the grace and movement in his work. Reno Mayor Bob Cashell and Cabela’s officials will be on hand at 3:15pm, Saturday, January 26 to unveil an original signature bronze sculpture, created by Nevada-born artist Douglas Van Howd. The 10-day festivities will feature celebrities and hunting and fishing experts sharing stories and advice. (January 2008) - Cabela’s, the World's Foremost Outfitter of hunting, fishing and outdoor gear, is planning its Grand Opening activities January 25 – Februat its new 125,000-square-foot, large-format superstore in Reno, Nev. January 25 – FebruFestivities to Include Celebrities and Hunting, Fishing Experts With Unveiling Of Signature Bronze Sculpture, January 26 Cabela’s Kicks Off Grand Opening Events In Reno, Nev.